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Week of 9/17/18

Published Sept. 16, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

We have another short week, since we have Wednesday off for Yom Kippur. The students have had a great start to the school year. They are adjusting to the new routines here at High Rock School. I am looking forward to meeting parents at the "Meet and Greet" on Monday, 9/17/18 at 9:30 a.m.

SS: There will be a quiz on the Continents and Oceans on Tuesday, 9/18/19. Students should practice filling in a blank map, and then they should check their work. 

ELA: The summer reading postcard is due on Friday, 9/21. Students will need to type up their final copy and also illustrate the front of their postcard. If students share their documents with me, I am happy to look at their writing (they should share it with karen_haynes@needham.k12.ma.us). 

Week of 10/23/17

Published Oct. 26, 2017, 9:52 a.m.

We have an early release on Thursday, 10/26/17. Below is what is happening in each of the classes. 

Math: Student have learned how to find equivalent fractions and how to reduce fractions. There will be a short quiz on finding equivalent fractions on Friday, 10/27/17. 

ELA: Students read the short story, "The Necklace." They had a test on this story on Tuesday. We will begin a new vocabulary unit this week (Unit 4.03). On Friday, we will continue to read short stories. 

Science: In preparation for our dig on Friday, students are learning how to draw and analyze artifacts. 

Social Studies: Students are learning about archaeology. The dig will be on Friday, 10/27/17. Make sure you wear clothes that are appropriate for being outside digging. 

Upcoming Important Dates:
10/26/17: Early release day at 11:30

Week of 10/2/17.

Published Oct. 3, 2017, 9:45 p.m.

Here is what is happening this week:

SS: There will be a test on longitude and latitude. There are study materials posted on myHomework.

Science: Students continue to study the scientific method. They are conducting experiments and writing lab reports this week.

Math: Students are learning about greatest common factor and least common multiple this week. There will be a test next week.

ELA: Students learned five new vocabulary words. There will be a test on these words next week. We will begin a short story unit this week.

Important Upcoming Dates:
10/6 Student picture day
10/9 Columbus Day-No School
10/11 Midterm
10/26 Early Release Day (11:30 am dismissal)

Week of 9/25/17.

Published Sept. 25, 2017, 1:17 p.m.

We have our first early release day this week on Tuesday, September 26 at 11:30. We will also have All About Me Day on Tuesday, September 26. This is an opportunity for students to share information about themselves with other students.  Please make sure you have your items for All About Me Day

I want to remind students that they can stay after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:10 - 2:40 to ask questions, study for tests, and complete homework. 

ELA: In ELA, we continue to work on our summer reading postcard. Students will work on this at school. Students took their first quiz in ELA, and I am impressed at how well they did.

Math: Students did an excellent job on their divisibility rules quiz. I am so proud of their hard work. This week we are learning about factors, multiples, prime numbers, and composite numbers. 

SS: Students continue to learn about longitude and latitude. They will have a test on longitude and latitude on Friday, October 6. Students are also starting a map project at the end of this week. Much of the work for this project will need to be completed at home for homework. 

Science: Students are doing an excellent job understanding the scientific method. They will continue to learn about this topic this week. 

Important Upcoming Dates
9/26/17: Early release day (dismissal at 11:30)
9/26/17: All About Me Day

Week of 9/18/17.

Published Sept. 19, 2017, 10:04 p.m.

It was so nice meeting so many of my students's parents at Back to School Night last Thursday. We have picture day this week on Friday, 9/22/17. We also do not have school on Thursday, 9/21/17.

ELA: In ELA, we are working on our summer reading postcard. Students will work on this at school. They will choose one summer reading book to write about. They will summarize the book and write a recommendation. We also learned about the writing process last week. Students will complete a quick quiz on the writing process. They will be given a definition of each step of the writing process, and they will have to write the word that corresponds with the definition.

Math: Students are doing an excellent job on their divisibility rules. I was very impressed at how quickly they learned them. There will be three parts to this assessment. Students will have to be able to identify the rule for 2, 3, 5, and 10. They will then have to identify if a number is divisible by 2, 3, 5, and/or 10. Finally, they will be asked to solve two word problems related to the divisibility rules. A study guide is posted on myHomework.

SS: Students are learning about longitude and latitude this week.

Science: Students are learning about the scientific method.

Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, 9/21/17: No School
Friday, 9/22/17: School Pictures

Week of September 11, 2017.

Published Sept. 12, 2017, 8:26 a.m.

We have had an excellent start to the school year. The students are energetic and excited about learning! I am looking forward to meeting parents on Thursday night at Back To School night. 

Students are starting to have tests/quizzes this week. We are working on study skills in learning center to help them get prepare, but they should also study at home. 

ELA: We are reviewing the writing process, and we will begin a summer reading postcard at the end of the week. Students should have one of their summer reading books with them in school by Friday. 

Math: We are working on the number theory unit. Students have a small quiz on Wednesday on multi-digit multiplication and exponents. There is a study guide on myHomework. 

SS: Students have a geography quiz on Friday. They need to be able to label the continents and oceans on a world map. They also need to know the vocabulary. 

Science: Students are learning about eclipses. They will begin the scientific method unit this week. 

Week of 6/5/17.

Published June 6, 2017, 8:46 a.m.

We have a lot going on this week. Students have tests coming up and two long-term projects that they should be working on at home.

ELA: Students have two big projects that they are working on - book groups and their editorial. Students need to read their books at home each week, so they are prepared for their book group talks. Students are also working on editorials, and they should be working on this assignment at home, too.

Math: Students are working on a NEON project. Some of the work for this project may need to be completed at home. It is important that students show all of their work.

Science: There will be a bridges assessment on Wednesday, 6/7/17. Study materials are posted on myHomework.

SS: There will be a test on Rome on Tuesday, 6/6/17.

Important Upcoming Dates:

6/6 Visit to Pollard

6/16 Field Day
6/20 Last Day of School!

Week of 5/15/17

Published May 15, 2017, 8:42 a.m.

We have math MCAS this week on Wednesday and Thursday. The Greek coin is due on Friday.

Social Studies: Students will need to complete their Greek coin at home this week and turn it in on Friday. If anyone needs help with this, they should see Mrs. Haynes after school or ask questions during learning center.

You will need the following for your Greek coin
- card board or hard material
- informative bullet notes
- picture or image of Greek
- quote
- name of Greek
- your name
- decoration

To make the coin you will need to:
- print any materials
- plan layout design for both sides
- glue on all pieces

You will also need a costume for Greek Day. The costume is due on Tuesday, 5/23. You will need the following:
- twin white sheet
- 4 safety pins
- hair piece
- prop

Math: Math MCAS will be held on 5/17 and 5/18. Students should try to go to bed early the night before the test. Students should bring a water and No. 2 pencils.

ELA: Students are completing an in class assessment this week on the Hero's Journey. 

Science: Students will begin their Bridges unit this week. 

Important Upcoming Dates:

5/17 and 5/18 Math MCAS

5/24 Greek Day
5/29 Memorial Day, No School
6/1 Field Trip to the MFA
6/6 Visit to Pollard

Week of 5/8/17

Published May 9, 2017, 10:51 a.m.

We have two tests this week.

ELA: There will be a mythology test at the end of this week. Study materials are posted on myHomework. The assessment is on the big ideas of mythology. Students will need to be able to answer the following questions:

- What are the reasons Greeks told myths?

- What are the characteristics of an archetypal hero?

Students should also be familiar with the myths that they learned about in class. Please see Ms. Mason's resources/files on myHomework for additional information to study

Science: Students will have an astronomy test in science either at the end of this week or the beginning of next week. They will need to know the phases of the moon and eclipses. Study materials are posted on myHomework.

Social Studies: Students are working on a Greek project. They should be conducting research at home as well as at school.

Math: Math MCAS will be held on 5/17 and 5/18.

Important Upcoming Dates:

5/17 and 5/18 Math MCAS

5/24 Greek Day
5/29 Memorial Day, No School
6/1 Field Trip to the MFA
6/6 Visit to Pollard

Week of 2/6/17.

Published Feb. 8, 2017, 2:32 p.m.

Social Studies: Students have a social studies test on Friday on Mesopotamia. The study guide and PowerPoint presentation are posted on myHomework. Students can also use Socrative to study. The room is highrock.

The test will cover:
  • Irrigation
  • Supply and Demand
  • Surplus vs. Scarcity
  • Hammurabi's Code of Laws
  • 4 Empires
  • Vocabulary Terms for Unit
  • Cuneiform
Math: There will be a pre-algebra test on Friday, 2/17/17. Students should study each type of problem until they have mastered it. If they do not know how to solve a type of problem, they should see Mrs. Carmine or Mrs. Haynes after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Practice is the best way to study for a math test!
  • Solving one step equations (All four operations. It's not just about the answer, it's about the PROCESS)
  • Function Tables (Input/Output)
    • Writing the rule as an algebraic equation
    • Fill in missing values
  • Graphing equations on coordinate plane
  • Inequalities (next week)
Notes are on GoogleDrive in the Pre-AlgebraTest2 folder under Pre Algebra. There is a study guide and answer key posted in this folder. The study guide is also posted on myHomework.

Science: Students are learning about the digestion system. The test date has not been announced, but it may be at the end of next week. The study guide is posted on myHomework. 

ELA: Students have finished The Breadwinner. They are working on an in class assessment in which they will write about the theme of the book.

Important Upcoming Dates:
2/14 Early Release Day
2/20-2/24 February Vacation Week
3/9 Early Release Day

Other Important Dates:
  • Rising Grade 7 "What I need to know about Special Education at Pollard" (for Special Education families)
    • Tuesday, March 14, 2017: 6:30-7:30pm
    • Snow date: March 15, 2017
  • Rising Grade 7 "We are Pollard!" Night (for all families)
    • Tuesday, March 21, 2017: 6:30-7:30pm*
    • *This evening will also include a brief meeting entitled: "Understanding the Math Program" (for all families with questions/ concerns regarding the Math levels) on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 from 7:30-8:00
    • Snow date: March 28, 2017