Assignment Details

Advertisement Questions

Fall 2017

Flag Football

Date Due

Dec. 18, 2017

Additional Info
1. Do the ads include people with a variety of body shapes and sizes? 

2. How do the people look in the advertisement? (What is their body type?)
A. normal weight B. unusually thin C. overweight

3. Do you think people who actually use the product being advertised typically have the body type shown in the advertisement?
A. yes B. no

4. Do you think the models in the ad naturally look the way they appear or do you think their picture or their appearance has been enhanced in some way? a. This is their natural look. B. The picture (or their appearance) was probably enhanced.

5. How would you say the people appear in this ad?
A. Happy/having fun B. unhappy C. neither happy nor unhappy

6. How would you describe the product being advertised?
A. Healthy B. unhealthy C. neither healthy nor unhealthy