Assignment Details

Collage Due


English 6

Date Due

Nov. 28, 2018

Additional Info
See attached directions for example pages and "Ideas" list.

To Do List:

Open Notability and create a new note (at least 4 pages long).

Create and title 4 pages: People, Places, Things, Ideas

On each of the pages, insert at least 7 pictures.

On the Ideas page, you need at least 7 pictures with labels. See the list of Ideas (p.2).

Do not come up with your own Ideas. Only use Ideas from the list on page 2.

You MUST label each one of your Ideas pictures. If you do not label your ÔIdeas,Õ they will notbe accepted.

The main part of your Places or Things pictures should NOT be people.

See example pages for help (pages 3-7).

You may not use my pictures or use my collage, but you may use my thinking/concepts. For instance, you may use a different picture of a baby sleeping as an example of peace.

You can also look at the posters in the back of the room for help!

Noun Collage (all 4 pages) is due Wednesday, Nov. 28.
