Assignment Details

Sound Waves #HW


Science- Keough- cl 5 (2024)

Date Due

Jan. 30, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

ALL WORK TODAY IS INDEPENDENT WORK.  If you do not complete steps 1-6, they are homework, due tomorrow. 1. Complete the science class survey.  The survey is anonymous and the data collected will be used to help me improve my teaching for the rest of the year. 2. Send the document "Sound Waves Reading" to Notability: Waves. 3. Send the document "Sound Waves Questions" to Notability: subject- Waves. (You can add it to the reading or keep it separate- your choice.) 4. Read the article and answer the questions.  Answers do not need to necessarily by complete sentences. You can choose to follow along with my reading if you wish.  Make sure you have ear buds. 5.  Attach a PDF copy of the completed worksheet. 6. "TURN IN" your work. 7. Options for explore:          - Play "Bird Song Hero" independently.  You MUST have earbuds.          - Compare hearing ranges of different animals.          - Explore ocean mammal sounds.  You MUST have earbuds.          - Watch the video about the coolest things sound waves do.  You MUST have earbuds.          - Use the Britannica article to read more about sound (use headings to find areas of interest)          - Watch "How the Ear Works."  You MUST have earbuds.
Sound Waves Reading.webm
Keough Science Class Survey
Bird Song Hero
Animal Hearing Ranges Compared to Human [Infographic]
Mammals: Sounds in the Ocean | NOAA Fisheries
The Coolest Things Sound Waves Do
sound - Students | Britannica Kids | Homework Help
How the Ears Work - Nemours KidsHealth