Assignment Details

Complete Chemical Reaction Diagram


Science- Keough- cl 5 (2024)

Date Due

Sept. 30, 2024

Additional Info
Your diagram should be in your homework folder in your binder.  I attached another here if you lost it.

This diagram represents a what happens to atoms and molecules in a chemical reaction.  It is a step by step process.

Step 1:  Combine the substances (show the molecules from substance A and substance B in the same box).

Step 2: The chemical bonds between atoms break (show the atoms separated from each other).

Step 3: The atoms rearrange (show that the atoms have moved around and changed their position).

Step 4: New bonds form and the atoms come together to make NEW molecules (show molecules that look different from what you started with- use the same shapes)

TO COMPLETE THE DIAGRAM, COLOR IT IN.  Each shape needs its own color and it needs to stay consistent throughout the diagram.