Assignment Details
Research Paper Rough Draft
Gladiator Galaxy 2016-2017
Date Due
Dec. 23, 2016, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Info
- Submit rough draft of your research paper to turnitin.com.
- Use your outline to guide you in writing your research paper.
- Remember there should be 3-5 pages including your Works Cited page. (Which you should already have done.)
- No title page included. You may have a data chart if needed, but no images necessary.
- Use the attached template to make sure you use correct MLA format.
- CLICK HERE for a reference guide on in text citations.
- CLICK HERE for a video demonstration on in text citations. (Note: In the beginning she states that you use in text citations for direct quotes only. That is incorrect. You must use in text citations when summarizing and paraphrasing evidence as well.
- I recommend you do a few paragraphs at a time, so that you will not be overwhelmed. Please do not wait until Thursday night to complete this.
If you need assistance, I will be available Monday, Wednesday, Friday (lunch and after school) Please let me know ahead of time to guarantee I will be there.
Research Paper MLA Format.dotx Dec. 13, 2016, 10:18 p.m. - 39.1 KB