Assignment Details

Plot, Character, & Conflict Nearpod Notes

Gladiator Galaxy 2016-2017

Period 7 English II Honors

Date Due

Sept. 7, 2016

Additional Info
Complete notes in your OneNote Literary Lessons Section based on Nearpod presentation (NPP).
  1. Add a new page.
  2. Title the page Plot, Character & Conflict Notes.
  3. Make sure to take detailed notes based on the presentation.
  4. Make sure to complete the NPP in its entirety including its activities.
  5. You can e-mail your NPP notes to yourself and place them in your OneNote, however there must be detailed notes added to NPP not just copied and paste.
  6. Make sure to sign in with your first and last name in the NAME box, and in the OTHER box type your period.
  7. NPP pin VYMNU/ Presentation is also available on