Assignment Details
Period 8 AICE Global Perspectives
Date Due
March 19, 2018
Additional Info
- CNN Student News
- Work on VP2A/B/C Paragraphs (Information/CRAVEN).
- ALL Paragraphs from the outline: Introduction, VP1A/B/C, and VP2A/B/C. Must be done before Tuesday morning in class. So, if there is anything that is late or behind please catch up.
- You have ALL period to accomplish this task, so there is no excuse not to produce quality paragraphs by this date.
- On Tuesday, we will be working on your judgment paragraph.
- I have also attache another Sample for help. "On Guard" Please take the time to review and discuss the example it will help.
- Please follow your outline. Each Roman Numeral represents a cohesive, substantial paragraph. You may view the Sample attached to see how this is done.
paper_2_sample.pdf March 15, 2018, 4:25 p.m. - 858.1 KB