Lesson Details
CNN Student News Graphic Organizer
Period 8 AICE Global Perspectives
Jan. 23, 2018, 2:20 p.m.
Additional Info
- Complete your Quia BELL-RINGER "Government shutdown begins and so does the blame game"
- Watch CNN Student News, and Complete the first row of the CNN Student News GO attached and found in your OneNote Content Library Section. Submit this to turnitin.com. This assignment will NOT be accepted late. It must be completed during the assigned times.
- Find 3 sources for your paper 2 research question from the Opposing Viewpoints electronic library. Make sure to annotate them. (Highlighting is not annotating), and be prepared to show your annotations. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS LIBRARY. You can also access by going to destiny.dadeschools.net, click on Hialeah Gardens High School (in the High School section), then click OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS under the first section on the left. If you are not on the school's WiFi (maybe using your hotspot) the ID is gladiators. You may printout or insert your 3 sources in your OneNote>Paper 2 Section>3 Separate pages Source 1, Source 2, Source 3.
- You can use the advanced search to assist in finding sources. Once you have a list of sources provided on the left side you will see "Everything" Click on "Academic Journals" then on the same side lower you will see "Limit Search By" under "Subjects" Click "View More". Here you will find your search divided under subjects. This will help with finding sources that align with your question and SPECS.
- Complete the MLA P2 Source Notes template (attached and it is in your OneNote>Content Library) to create notes for your first source, and submit it to www.turnitin.com at the end of the class period.
CNN Student News Graphic Organizer.dotx Jan. 22, 2018, 1:53 p.m. - 73.9 KB
MLA P2 Source Notes.dotx Jan. 23, 2018, 9:41 a.m. - 28.0 KB
AICE C2 Source Notes.docx Jan. 23, 2018, 9:41 a.m. - 18.0 KB