Assignment Details

2/13: BrainPops & EdPuzzle (#HW)


Social Studies - Dunleavy 24-25

Date Due

Feb. 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

1. Log-in to Clever first, then select BrainPop from the apps in Clever. 2. Go to Dashboard at the top -> Assignments -> Pharaohs & Mummies **This assignment has TWO short movies: Pharaohs and Mummies. Make sure you watch BOTH! 3. Complete the "Building the Pyramids" EdPuzzle - link below *You will need your earbuds/headphones! Click "Mark as Done" below when you are finished with ALL of the assignments
Edpuzzle - How did they build the Great Pyramid of Giza? - Ted Ed