Lesson Details

Thursday and Friday Assignment

Spring 2020

Intro to Catholicism 420-10


Jan. 23, 2020

Additional Info
Write the following questions in your notebook and then answer them based on the videos and reading Chapter 13.

Real Presence Video: Write these questions down before watching for the answers.  

1. Is the Eucharist just a symbol of Jesus' Body and Blood?

2. Whose words does the priest speak at the Consecration at Mass?

3. What is the proper response to the transformed elements of bread and wine at Mass?

Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJjW3LXuHzo&t=

Eucharist as Sacrifice Video: Write these questions down before watching for the answers.

1. Finish this statement: "In a world gone wrong, there is no communion _______ _________.

2. What was at the heart of ancient Israelite life and what did it smell like?

3. Who called Jesus the "Lamb of God" and what does that mean?

4. Why does the priest at Mass dress in robes like a Temple Priest?

Here is the link to the Sacrifice Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=z6ROgZfVu6o&feature=emb_logo

Chapter 13: Write these questions down before reading for the answers.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist

1. What does Todah mean in English?  What was sacrificed in the Todah? 

 2. When did Christ institute the Eucharist and what type of meal was it?

3.  Finish this statement:  Through the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, we are made participants in....?

4.  In John 6:48-58, what did Jesus tell his followers they must do to have eternal life?