Assignment Details

Reflection Four

Spring 2019

Systematic Theology II 418-10

Date Due

Feb. 8, 2019

Additional Info
Write a one-page reflection on one or both of following topics:

We are about to study the Sacrament of Penance, the Sacrament that forgive post-baptismal sins. Reflect on your own personal experience with forgiveness and write on one or both questions below:

1. Describe a time you received forgiveness in a difficult experience, either from God or from a human being.

2. Describe a time you forgave someone else.

You are to type this reflection, than print it out, then turn it in physically. You are to use 12pt font, Times New Roman. It may be double-spaced or single-spaced (but not triple-spaced). It must use correct spelling, complete sentences, and paragraph form.