Lesson Details

Missing Notes

Spring 2018

Systematic Theology II 418-5


Jan. 16, 2018

Additional Info
3. Why Baptize Infants?
  • In the New Testament, it says that on occasion whole households were baptized, some of which surely had infants

  • We believe that baptism is no mere symbol of faith: it produces effects in our souls, thus we do not deny infants this great gift

  • The parents must consent to the baptism, and there must be a hope that the child will be raised Catholic

  • Anyone who has not reached the -Age of Reason", 7, can be baptized as an ïinfantê

  • All others must become catechumens

4. What is the Matter, Form, and Minister of Baptism?
  • Matter: Water

  • Form: Trinitarian Formula

  • Minister:

    • Ordinary: Bishop, Priest, or Deacon

    • Extraordinary: In an emergency anyone, even if unbaptized, can be the minister if they intend to confer the sacrament, use water and recite the Trinitarian Formula

Although not essential and necessary, the Rite of Baptism also includes:

  • New Christian is anointed with Chrism Oil to symbolize anointing with the Holy Spirit

  • Given white garment symbolizing he has risen with Christ

  • Given baptismal candle lit from the Easter candle to symbolize to all that the newly baptized are to be the light of the world

  • Prayer of Exorcism: That the child will not be subjected to forces of evil

NB: By being submerged, we die to sin, in being raised, we are born to new life

5. What are the effects of Baptism?
  • Forgives and cleanses the soul of Original sin and any Actual sins. Concupiscence, the effects of original sin, remains

  • Incorporates us into the Church, which is ChristÕs mystical Body

  • Divine filiation: Makes us Children of God - we become his adopted sons and daughters

  • Infuses us with the theological virtues: faith hope and charity (love)

  • Makes possible our entrance into heaven after death