Lesson Details

Missing Notes

Spring 2018

Systematic Theology II 418-1


Feb. 24, 2018

Additional Info
Congratulations on a great retreat! Now back to work: Please copy these notes into your notebooks. We should have taken them Thursday:
4. What are the Matter, Form, and Minister of Holy Orders?

  • Matter: Laying on of hands by the ordaining bishop

  • Form: A specific consecratory prayer asking God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the gifts particular to the degree of the man ordained

  • A different prayer for deacons, priests, bishops

  • Minister: Always a validly ordained bishop

Rite of Ordination

  • For priests, their hands are anointed with Chrism Oil, just as altars are anointed

  • For a Bishop, his head is anointed

  • Deacons and priests make a promise of obedience

    • Diocesan: to their own bishop

    • Religious: to their proper superiors and -the local bishop"

5. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

  • Configures the man to Christ so that he may serve the Church as Christês instrument

  • Confers a specific office: Deacon, Priest, Bishop

  • Imprints an indelible seal or character on the soul that can never be removed

  • Grants a particular Grace to each level:

  • Bishops: Strength, prudence, and love in leadership that impels him to proclaim the Gospel to all, even if it costs him his life

  • Bishops & Priests: Grace to proclaim the gospel, offer spiritual gifts and sacrifices, to celebrate the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and to preside over other liturgies

  • Deacons: Grace to dedicate themselves to the faithful -in the service (diakonia) of the liturgy, of the Gospel, and works of charity"

  • Only priests and bishops act in persona Christi while deacons are ordained to Christ the servant

Why Celibacy?

  • Celibacy may seem like a burden, but it is actually a great gift

  • The model for priestly celibacy is Christ Himself

  • Our Lord taught that celibacy for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven was a great gift (Mt 19:11-12)

The Apostles imitated Christ's celibacy and dedicated themselves entirely to spreading the Good News.