Assignment Details

Reading Questions

Spring 2017

Systematic Theology II 418-3

Date Due

Jan. 11, 2017

Additional Info
  1. A.M.D.G.

    January 6, 2017

    Fr. Daniel J. Tesvich, SJ

    Chapter 12: Baptism and Confirmation

    Instructions: After reading these instructions carefully, read through all the questions below. Then, read through Chapter 12 on Baptism and answer the following questions in your notebook/ binder. The questions are in order of the reading. Email me if you have any questions or concerns.

    You will have a quiz Wednesday over both our review notes Thursday and your notes below. You will study for that quiz.


    1. Who spoke to the Ethiopian eunuch about the Prophet Isaiah? What happened to the eunuch at the end of the conversation? (from Acts of the Apostles quoted at the beginning of the chapter)
    2. In baptism, what does the celebrant (minister) say as he pours water over the one to be baptized?
    3. What does vitae spiritualis ianua mean?
    4. What three things did water symbolize in the Old Testament?
    5. Name two events in the Old Testament that prefigure baptism.
    6. When did Christ command His apostles to baptize?
    7. Who baptized Jesus? What did that baptism symbolize?
    8. Christ explicitly linked Baptism with what? Which Jewish leader did Christ meet in secret to discuss baptism?
    9. Baptism is also a sign of what? What did St. Paul say happens in baptism, which is found in Rom 6:3-4?
    10. How many people were baptized by the apostles on the day of Pentecost?
    11. The Rite of Baptism is ordinarily celebrated where?
    12. Catechumens are those who are in the catechumenate. Who are the catechumens and what is the catechumenate?
    13. Only someone who is unbaptized can be baptized. What are the three requirements that are normally expected before one can be baptized?
    14. When did the practice of infant baptism begin? Why does the Church believe that Scripture implicitly acknowledges the practice of infant baptism?
    15. Who has the responsibility of making sure that a newborn infant is baptized and when should they have the infant baptized?