Assignment Details

Copy these notes

Fall 2019

Intro to Catholicism 419-12

Date Due

Sept. 6, 2019

Additional Info
Here are the notes we didn't quite finish today in class. Write them in your notebook and be ready for the quiz on Monday:
  • Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises

    • Purpose of Man: To live with God forever

    • Purpose of Creation: To help us get closer to God.

    • What to do? Use creation to help us get closer to God, avoid creation when it blocks us from God

    • Ignatian Indifference: NOT that we don't care about what happens. We put our purpose first, then use whatever means God blesses us with for that purpose.

  • "Magis" = more, greater, or better. We strive for the greater good. Not in terms of quantity or popularity, but what is a greater and better use of God's gifts to us