Lesson Details

Today's Notes

Fall 2017

Systematic Theology I 417-11


Nov. 7, 2017

Additional Info
Write these notes, which we should have done today, in your notebooks. You will have to know them for the quiz on Friday.
3. What are the Essential Articles of Faith for Catholics?
  • Jesus reveals Himself to us as -The Way, the Truth, and the Life."

  • He also empowers His Church with the ability to teach in His Name (designating Peter as the Rock of the Church, Mt 16:18) and promises the Holy Spirit to -lead us into all truth" (Jn 16:13)

  • The Magisterium: The teaching office (authority) of all the bishops in the world united with the Pope as their head
    • The bishops are the successors of the apostles from an unbroken line (Apostolic Succession)

    • The pope is the direct successor of St. Peter, head of the apostles (266 popes in total)

    • Thus he is known as the Vicar of Christ, and the authority of the papacy (office of the pope) is referred to as the primacy of Peter

    Each diocese has a local bishop who exercises Magisterial authority for his flock
    • There is one God, Creator of Heaven and Earth

    • The good will be rewarded in Heaven, the wicked who die unrepentant will be punished forever in Hell

    • The Trinity: God is three Persons in one God, Father, Son, Spirit

    • The Son became human and died on the Cross for our sins
    • We must also believe and strive to live by:

    • The doctrinal statements of the Nicene and Apostles Creed

    • The Commands of God and His Church

    • All that is contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition

    • All that the Church authoritatively teaches about Faith and morals
  • 4. What is the relationship between the Trinity and the Church?
  • Remember: The Trinity always works as a unity: God the Father acting through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit

  • God the Father planned the Church to save us from sin and death

  • God the Son founded the Church by preaching the Good News and forming a community of disciples

  • God the Holy Spirit revealed the Church at Pentecost and He continues to grow the Church in number and holiness