Lesson Details
2.11.25 ELA Lesson
Feb. 11, 2025
Additional Info
Start class by silently and independently completing Reading Quiz 5 on Google Forms. You can use your Active Reading Notes to help you with the quiz, but you may not use your book.
Silently and independently fill out the Questions for Tae Keller Google Form. Tae Keller will be visiting us on Friday and this Google Form will help us determine which questions we will ask her when she visits. This Google Form is optional and not required.
Silently and independently complete the last slide in your WYTAT Responding to your Reading Slideshow and submit the slides on Google Classroom.
Spend the remainder of the class working on your Theme Picture Frame. You are working on this independently or very quietly with your partner.
Those of you who have finished your Theme Picture Frame, start silently and independently working on your Theme Essay Outline which is posted on Google Classroom.
WYTAT Responding to your Reading Slides should all be completed and submitted by Wednesday, 2/12.
Theme Frame needs to be turned in and submitted by the start of class on Thursday, 2/13.