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Cluster 2 Science Syllabus

Published April 12, 2016, 8:28 a.m.


Welcome to 6th grade science! This syllabus is intended to outline what you will be learning this year as well as my expectations for you in science class. I am looking forward to working with you this year as you develop your skills as scientists.


The sixth grade science program uses a McGraw-Hill textbook (with digital copy) as its main text. Classroom content is delivered through lecture, small group work, myriad media sources, and notes. The units of study this year are:

  • Chemistry: Scientific Method; Matter

  • Waves (including sound and light)

  • Astronomy: Our place in the universe; Moon phases; Eclipses

  • Biology: Cell Biology; Human Body Systems

  • Fossils and EarthÕs history

  1. Everyday Expectations:

    You must come to science every day with:

    1. Your Science Notebook

    2. Pencils (we usually use pencils in science so we can erase), pen, and highlighter

    3. iPad (charged) and headphones

    4. You are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared with all of your materials.

    Every class period begins by checking MyHomework.


    Homework is generally worth two points, and is always due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted. Homework turned in late or incomplete will receive one out of the 2 possible points. After that, completed homework may be turned in for one point, until the end of the unit, unless otherwise noted. Once a unit has ended, homework for that unit will no longer be accepted. The MyHomework app is the best way for you to keep track of assignments or find assignments you might have missed. We will also be using Google Classroom for some activities. You are responsible for showing me any missing work within the allotted time frame.


    During this year, you will most likely be absent due to an unexpected illness. If able, I encourage you to stay up to date at home using the iPad (MyHomework/Classroom). Absences do not excuse you from work. You are still responsible for the work.

    You will have a duration of time equal to the length of your absence to complete any missing class work and homework. It is your responsibility to check in with me and come up with a plan to complete missed work!

    You should make arrangements to see me after school to discuss information you might have missed when you were out. Teachers cannot give assignments in advance for planned absences (see handbook).

    Grading Policy:

    During each of the above units, you will be assessed/graded on homework, class work, labs, tests/quizzes, writing assignments, science journals, and projects. Grades are calculated on a point system. Each assignment or assessment will be given a point value.

    Detailed assignment scorecards will be handed out for projects and writing assignments, which will include task checklists, and a breakdown of total possible points.

    Your final trimester grade is calculated by adding all of your earned points (on all assignments), and dividing that number by the total possible points for the trimester.

    All of our assessments and activities focus on developing skills in the areas of knowledge of facts and terms, abstract thinking, science and engineering practices, science literacy, and student professionalism

    Students also earn a separate effort grade each trimester, based on participation, preparedness, and behavior.

    It is the responsibility of the students and parents / guardians to track progress by reviewing grades frequently in Powerschool. Typically, Powerschool is upgraded at the middle and the end of each month. Classroom assignments are submitted, graded, and returned more frequently.


    I am available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school until 2:40pm. Make sure you have plans to be picked up at 2:40. Working students are always encouraged to stay after school.

    I can always be reached by the following means:


    781-455-0455 x44711