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Working with Folders

Published Nov. 13, 2016, 11:23 a.m.

Understanding the Windows

Working with Folders

It is essential in life to be organized, however, this cannot be achieved overnight. In order for one to believe that they are organized he or she must have a set structure. With a set structure, one will be able to alleviate hassles of finding things such as your socks, shoes, book, or even a cell phone. Having a set structure helps to make these problems non-existent. Similarly, in the world of computing we can apply this same concept when it relates to our files and how we store them.

Folders where created to help manage documents and files in order to keep things organized and create a structure. All operating systems come with a file system beginning with the root folders, which contains all the information about the programs and features of the operating system. This file system allows easy access to specific applications and also, provides a pathway for other applications to help access the files needed to carry out operations.

There are several things we need to understand about files and folders in order for us to create our own system of storing files.

These are:

  1. Understanding the file system for our operating system.

  2. Understanding the way folders are named

  3. Understanding sub-folders

  4. Being able to organize our folders by categories

  5. Understanding where to save what file.

  1. In windows we know where to access our photos, music, videos and documents. Those can be found by pressing the start button and selecting the computer option from the start menu. Once we open that folder we see several folders which are sub-folders within that main folder. It is very important to have structure in computing as it removes any bottle net that can be caused by improper folder management.

    The windows file system is a very good example of a properly structured system. Files for the operating system are kept in a separate folder from file for the user, also, the programs we install has there very own folder that houses all their files and settings. It is important to understand this, not only because its apart of your course content, but because it helps to better manage files on your computers at home.C:\Users\admin-lab\Downloads\diagram-7.png

    Here is an example of the file structure that windows uses for its main folders.

    Here are some simple tips that will help you better manage your folders and file.

    1. Use the default installation folders for program files.

    Use the default file locations when installing application programs.

    Under Windows, by convention application program files reside under the (Drive Letter C :)-> Program Files directory. Installing applications elsewhere is confusing and unnecessary.

    2. One place for all documents.

    Place all documents under a single "root" folder/directory. For a single user in a Windows environment the default location is the My Documents folder.

    In a file sharing environment try to do the same Ð create a single root folder, an example can be Shared Documents and store all documents in sub folders inside the root folder. Having a single location for all documents makes it easier to find things and to run backups and archives.

    3. Create folders in a logical hierarchy.

    These are the drawers of your computerÕs filing cabinet, so to speak. Use plain language to name your folders; you donÕt want to be looking at this list of folders in the future and wondering what ÒJKLÓ or whatever other interesting abbreviation you invented means.

    4. Nest folders within folders.

    Create other folders within these main folders as need arises.

    For instance, a folder called ÒclassworkÓ might contain folders called ÒFall 2013Ó, ÒSpring 2012Ó and ÒSpring 2011Ó. A folder named for a class might include the folders "COMP202" and "correspondence". The goal is to have every file in a folder rather than having a bunch of orphan files listed.

    Do not, however, create complex, deeply-layered folder structures - where possible use descriptive file names instead.

    5. Follow the file naming conventions.

    Some operating systems (such as Unix) do not allow spaces in file or folder names, so avoid this if your computing environment is mixed - instead use the underscores as a delimiter (e.g. Doe_John_Proposal.doc.) Other characters such as /? < > \: * | " ^ are also prohibited in file or folder names under Windows.

    Use descriptive file names for easy identification and retrieval- file/path names have length limits which vary between operating systems. Under Windows the maximum full path length for a file (e.g. the drive letter + folder names + file name) is 260 characters. Use common abbreviations wherever possible.

    6. Be specific.

    Give files logical, specific names and include dates in file names if possible. The goal when naming files is to be able to tell what the file is about without having to open it and look. So if the document is a letter to a customer reminding him that payment is overdue, call it "overdue_20120115"; rather than l ÒletterÓ. How will you know who the letter is to without opening it?

    7. File as you go.

    The best time to file a document is when you first create it. So get in the habit of using the "Save As" dialogue box to file your document as well as name it, putting it in the right place in the first place.

    8. Order your files for your convenience.

    If there are folders or files that you use a lot, force them to the top of the file list by renaming them with a! Or an AA at the beginning of the file name.

    9. Cull your files regularly.

    Sometimes what's old is obvious as in the example of the folder named "Invoices" above. If it's not, keep your folders uncluttered by clearing out the old files.

    Do not delete business related files unless you are absolutely certain that you will never need the file again. Instead, in your main collection of folders under your root folder, create a folder called "Old" or "Inactive" and move old files into it when you come across them.

    Back up your files regularly.

    Whether you're copying your files onto another drive or onto tape, it's important to set up and follow a regular back up regimen. See The 3 Steps to a Successful Backup System.

    Good File Management Makes Finding What You Want Easy

    Managing electronic documents should be part of an overall document management strategy for your business. A proper document management plan should include all aspects of handling documents, including storage, retrieval, backups, and security.

    The search function is a wonderful thing but it will never match the ease of being able to go directly to a folder or file. If you follow these file management tips consistently, even if you don't know where something is, you know where it should be - a huge advantage when it comes to finding what you're looking for.