Lesson Details

Communication Systems Components (#lesson)


2A Engineering Term I, 2024/2025


Oct. 2, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

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Societies have always relied on communication in order to thrive. Interestingly, all types of communication have common features that are required for the communication to be effective. Through today's lesson, we'll learn about binary systems, source, encoding, means of transmission, destination, storage, and decoding. Whether it's a message in a bottle, or a text sent by cell phone: communication requires these common aspects in order to be effective. You'll use an Electrical System to illuminate an LED light using a binary code of short and long flashes. Your partner will use the Data Storage sheet below to record the data received. Then they'll use the ABC Binary Code sheet to decode the message. Once complete you'll switch roles. ***Each person will complete & turn in the Components of Communication Systems docs***